
Sunday, 22 January 2012

Kerja di offshore : Position yang ditawarkan

by: Syed Firdaus Al-Qadry & Harry Teh


topics, menceritakan basic jobscope untuk mereka yang berminat untuk bekerja di offshore. Kali ini berkenaan dengan position yang ditawarkan di offshore platform.

List di sini mungkin tidak lengkap, tetapi ini adalah antara regular position yang ada di offshore.

Helper - kalau bahasa kasarnya kuli, macam aku lah. Helper task dia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang perlukan bantuan, tak kira apa task sekalipun. Kerja biasanya lebih kepada nak memudahkan kerja-kerja orang lain, termasuklah tukang angkat spannar, bersihkan working area dan housekeeping. Ramai adik-adik lepasan kekadang takde SPM pun apply kerja ni.

Estimated Salary : RM40.00-RM50.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger – Atas sikit dari helper, nak jadi rigger pun kena join rigging course, bukan boleh pakai redah jer. Tasknya lebih kepada ringging job, lasak, seperti menarik dan menolak bebanan yang berat yang biasanya crane tak boleh operate. Kelebihan untuk mereka yang bertubuh sasa, mat fit tak sesuai. (Also seeRoughneck and Roustabout)
Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Rigger Scaffolder – Rigger juga tetapi specialize dalam erect scaffolding, bahasa baku panggil perancah, tapi jangan ler sesekali sebut perencah kat offshore, nanti kena gelak dik. Tugasnya erect scaffolding untuk jadikan access platform dan panjat tempat tinggi menggunakan safety hardness.

Estimated Salary : RM80.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Fitter - Fitter kerjanya fit up weld steel pipe atau structure, biasanya satu team dengan welder.

Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM130.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Welder -Welder, tugasnya menyambung pipe atau structure yang telah di fit up oleh fitter. Post ni boleh tahan, kalau banyak “lesen” boleh buat duit banyak. Lesen ni datangnya dari Welder Qualification Test (WQT) .. haaa translate la sendiri, memang dah gitu term nya. Kalau banyak lesen dipanggil multi skill, boleh weld material carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, cuni etc ler. Orang kampung aku cakap juruteri.. wahaha.

Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM300.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Blaster – Blaster kerjanya blasts metal surface dengan menggunakan blasting equipment sebelum painter paints sesuatu surface, pipe ke structure ke.. mana-mana lah. Pakaian macam orang nak kebulan, rimas la sikit. Perlu ada IMM courses.
Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Painter – Painter pulak sambung kerja yang blaster dah buat, dia apply paint pada surface tu. Sama la kena pakai pakaian ke bulan jugak. Perlu ada IMM courses. Kekadang this can be a starting point for many deck department entries.

Estimated Salary : RM70.00-RM90.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Electrician – Nama pun electrician, kerja-kerja berkenaan dengan electric di platform.

Estimated Salary : RM100.00-RM120.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Instrument Fitter – Instrument fitter tasksnya berkenaan dengan bahagian instrument, process, tubing etc. Rilex jer kerja ni, tak berat langsung.

Estimated Salary : RM90.00-RM100.00, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Crane Operator – Operate platform crane.. huii kena ada course ni, kalau boleh bawak crane di onshore belum tentu boleh bawak crane di offshore.

Estimated Salary : RM300-500, offshore rate, 12 hours working time.

Roustabout - (See Rigger) Also known as Deck Crew. Kalau yang kerja kat Tender dan Pipe Deck, Riggers ni dipanggil Roustabouts. Dia orang macam AB jugak tapi lebih kepada kendalikan pipe pipe dan shifting materials equipments assisting the crane operator.

Roughneck- (See Rigger) Also known as Rig Crew or FloormanKat rig floor, selalunya, rigger ni dipanggil Roughneck juga.. dia orang yang pegang pipe, naikkan pipe casing semua ke atas derrick untuk make up to stand, connecting to the drilling line, to the drilling hole. Yang rig floor punya kerja obviously more dangerous, therefore more money

Derrickman- Pumpman for the rig floor. Prepare, maintain, operate the mud pumps during drilling well displacement.

Driller/Assistant Driller - These are the first level Drilling Supervisors. Responsible for reaching targets, writing drilling logs, worksite supervisor for most drilling activities. Responsibility macam junior officers in the navigation side for ships.

Tourpusher- Area Authority for Drilling activities. Macam Chief Officer for Ships.

Toolpusher - Usually the OIM of the rig. Macam Captain of the Ship punya responsibilities.

Materialsman - Leader of the Warehouse team. Does the Logistical and stores keeping as well as procurement and inventoryStoreman - Works under the Materialsman, receives stores and upkeeps the warehouse inventory.

Mud Logger - Usually a 3rd party service company hand in charge of recording and logging all mud usage during the drilling operation.

Production Operator - FPSO Cargo Room Operations Technician punya nama cilok, dia punya responsibility dan kerja pulak macam Chief Officer at Cargo Work on tankers

Maintenance personnel - nama kecik tapi responsibility BESAR GILA.. lead by the Snr Maintenance Technician or Senior Mechanic is like the Chief Engineer of a ship.. He is the most senior and most experienced maintenance crew onboard and has his own department, namely a few assistants Lead Motormans, and Motorman under him. The Rig Electrician works alongside him with a Junior Electrician, but in theory reports under the Mechanical Dept.

His job is to ensure that maintenance and ad hoc repairs are done to the drilling equipment, cranes, winches and all things mechanical on top of keeping the Main engine and powerplants, main and emergency generators, Air Compressors, Air cond and everything else including the purifier in tip top operational shape. On top of all things that are related to the ship, he may also on occasion be called up to climb up the derrickset to trouble shoot the TopDrive and also Skidding of the Derrick Equipment Set during change of Wells

Divers- When required are specialists from Diving companies to do repairs, surveys etc.

Catering staff - Lead by the Campboss, he has an army of cooks, galleyhands, laundrymen, roomboys all under him. On some rigs this department has 18personnel onboard at all times.

Professional posts – Graduates from Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering courses are all of interest to offshore companies in exploration and production activities such as:
Geologists and Geophysicists
Reservoir engineers
Drilling engineers
Petroleum engineers

Berminat bekerja di offshore?

Kalau berminat boleh lah apply dengan mana-mana company kat bawah ni. List yang ringkas namun nilah regular players kat sebelah Kemaman ni. Ada banyak lagi offshore company.

Vastalux Sdn Bhd
Work Location : Kemaman, Labuan.

Di Kemaman, currently ada contract dengan Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd selama 5 tahun. Construction and painting job activities.
Email :

Sarku Engineering Services Sdn Bhd
Work Location : Kemaman, Terengganu.

Currently ada job dengan Exxonmobil under FCB037 contract, Topside Major Maintainance – construction and painting untuk 5 tahun. Boleh lah apply untuk position dari rigger, scaffolder, fitter, welder,blaster painter. PMT pun boleh apply, workpack engineer, draughtman, technical clerk etc. Now company ni under Sapura.
Email :

Intraline Resources Sdn Bhd
Work location: Kemaman.
Now di Kemaman project under DPD Exxonmobil untuk hook up and comissioning exxonmobil platform. Duration, 5 tahun.
Tell : 03-7880 4410
Fax : 03-7880 4710
Ramunia Fabricator Sdn Bhd
Work Location : Kemaman dan Teluk Ramunia,
Banyak job dengan Talisman

TJ Oilline Sdn Bhd
Work Location : Kemaman,
Contract dengan Talisman dah nak expire. Boleh cuba apply.
Sime Offshore Sdn Bhd
Last job dia orang buat ialah huc di Guntong E, Exxonmobil platform.
Shapadu Energy and Engineering Sdn Bhd
Location : KSB, Kemaman.

Sekarang ni job pun dah kurang, buat masa ni rilex dulu dan tak perlu apply lah.
Lain-lain company ialah seperti Halliburton, Geowell, Schlumberger, Weatherford, Anadrill,Tioman dan banyak lagi lah. Semua service company ni susah sikit nak join sebab kebanyakkan positionnya perlu ada pengalaman dan Degree in Mechanical, chemical, petrochemical, geological, etc.
For OPITO approved training institution, look for

For BST make sure its Marine Dept approved as listed in

All these are safety courses as required by the industry. Selalunya dibayar oleh company kecuali yang cilok dan tak nak sponsor.


  1. nak tra la dop kijo offshore nih

  2. Salam .. saya ad mboset.. sy ingin bekerja sbagai rigger .. hrap tuan puan ingin mmbantu.. 0199070436

  3. salam.............saye pun nak, ini email :
    no HP : +6282110161887
    saya punya pasport,seamant book, sertificat ATT-III, BST,SCRB,MEFA,TF,AFF...dll.
    kepada tuan puan saya ucapkan terima kasih atas kerja sama'a.

  4. Salam....saya ingin kerja sebagai roughneck..saya harap pihak tuan,puan boleh mmbantu hp 0198983076

  5. Sya lepasan spm sya dpat offer diploma kejuruteraan offshore..agak2 ada peluang or future saya cerah tak untuk kerja di pelantar minyak????

  6. salam, klau spm tak memuaskan tapi ada SKM 1,2,3 ada boleh apply ke ?

  7. As Salam sy ingin berkerja di offshore tetapi tiada pengalaman,bagaimana ya.? facebook sy-Mohd zairul phone-0169518494

  8. nama mohamad Hafiz...umur 25,lepasan diploma di GMI...berminat nak jdi tel 0176729842

  9. Saya ada sijil dari CIDB. sijil kursus dlm bidang blasting painting, decoractive painting and scaffolder. Kad hijau pn saya ada. Tuan boleh tolong saya tak tuk apply job ni. Harap boleh tolong. Ni no. saya 0145090269

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Bos,,,, saya ada scaffolding lvl 1@dosh
    Cal sya..0135572791

  12. sy nak apply oiler bahagian mempunyai sijil.seperti b
    ,BOSIET.H2S.LINGING SLINGGING..jika ada kekosongan cal ksy 01136970802.tq

  13. Saya ingin bekerja di offshore tapi tidak mempunyai pengalaman. Tapi saya sudah mengambil sijil T-BOSEIT. 0136712621. apa-apa kerja pun tak apa.

  14. sijil 6g gtaw giatmara boleh ke mohon keja offshore,mintak penjelasan dr otai2 oil n gas..wassup 0179657763

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Don’t have SPM certificate , can this be applied.

  18. 40 50 tu sehari ke sejam ?

  19. Kalo ado kosong bolh bagitaw x.. nak cari pengalaman baru. 0137457601

  20. Sya prlukan keja

  21. salam sy jimmy, bermina bekerja sebagai helper ,saya da sijil dr JKKP dan ada kad hijau boleh ke sy mohon dan bagaimana,atau boleh tuan bg cadangan utk saya 011 11465939.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Saya ada OGSP dan scaffolder level 2 ade keje x offshore utk perempuan email sy

  24. Salam saya dah lulus dengan exon mobi sebagai blaster tapi tak lulus painting macam mana sy nak repeat ujian tu ye 0165413204


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